gardens of hope


finally some good news about school! (ie MY personal schooling)


Yes, i have to do MORE schooling to finish up this montessori certification stuff..but i finally found a program with some real credentials that will feasibly work for me and my family AND satisfy the “get a certification” rule.


now to come up with $7200 by february….



on a less lighter note…the ghosts of this apartment are making it impossible to finish packing our shit up. IMPOSSIBLE.

though i sincerely thank the Bauers for taking makena’lei for a few days so we can have some uninterrupted packing/moving time…now if only Bernie would cooperate..just wait he might end up on your front porch tonight..



i have a recent obsession with reading blogs. i never thought it would happen but there are some seriously creative and talented people out there (many of whom live in UT, is it trend or something pulling me there even more) so check the blogroll as i add more and more of my comrades.


supressing the need to make something has been hard in this bomb of an apartment. cant wait to have space to create again and get some stuff up online for YOU all to buy?? or just drool over.



About imogen.ius

Fashioned from my mother, my skill set to this planet is vast. Innumerable occupations, fervor for learning and teaching, intrinsic desire to keep moving. My shark-like tendencies disallow my ability to stop creating..

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